Rusty's World is a fun, vibrant, and educational universe brought to life by The Little Mouse Production. Designed to captivate young minds, Rusty's World offers a delightful mix of songs, stories, and adventures, featuring loveable characters like Rusty the Robot, Coco and Leo. From catchy tunes that teach life lessons to interactive play that sparks imagination, Rusty's World is all about encouraging kids to learn, explore, and have fun!

With a focus on creativity, education, and entertainment, Rusty's World delivers high-quality content that fosters curiosity and joy in children, while also promoting positive values. Whether it’s learning about dinosaurs, going on fun baking adventures, or dancing to the latest tunes, Rusty's World ensures there's always something exciting for kids to enjoy!

Join us on YouTube and explore Rusty's World or The Little Mouse Production, where every moment is filled with laughter, learning, and discovery!

The Brand

Latest Videos

Get ready to jump, run, and laugh!

  • Meet Super Rusty: The Robot Hero Saving the Day with Fun, Learning, and Adventure!

  • Get ready for giggles and grins with non-stop fun that will have kids laughing out loud!

  • Discover the power of feelings and learn to express your emotions in a fun and playful way!

  • Dig deep and dive into adventure as we journey to the Earth's core—let's explore the unknown!